About | Contact

Hi, I am a retired computer programmer living in Australia, and I wrote this hobby application for my own use.

If you would like to try the application, have any questions, or want to discuss the general topics addressed at this site, you could email me at info@albumplays.com

Or send me a private message:

at either at Last.fm where I am Barry4679 lastfm
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or at the Sonos forums where I am BarryM Sonos icon
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project status

I finished the first part of AlbumPlays in 2011, and used it to import the 54,000 track plays in my Last.fm account at that time. It is now 2023, and AlbumPlays has successfully handled my 230,000+ new track plays.

I shared the application with those who have contacted me, and it seems to be working well for them.

During the COVID period I decided to rewrite AlbumPlays for technical reasons, and I stopped sharing the first version to new people at that point.

I have now completed the rewrite. I have been using it myself for a year, and have recently started testing it with a few other people.

I am not quite ready to share it with new users at this point, but I am collecting the details of interested people.

want to get involved?

If you find this site, and have a strong interest in your play counts, you might like to contact me and get involved?

  • people to use the application, and the documentation stored at this site … only general Windows skills are required, a willingness to provide feedback, and some patience

  • also keen to hear from anybody who would like to get further involved. Either with the documentation, the support of other users, or programming (Python or Linux skills would help)

Thanks for reading.