Installing your Raspberry Pi

This topic is applicable to Sonos owners only.

I have documented two installation options for your Raspberry Pi:

Option Notes
Assisted install recommended
. obviously this is the easiest route, but it requires a rather large Internet download (approximately 1.2gb)
Manual install more work, more technical
. learn more about your Raspberry Pi
. you feel like embarking upon a techie project? … it is not too difficult, as my tutorial hopes to demonstrate.
. the assisted option is a lot easier
What you will need
Assisted install (click here to open)

You will need:

You also need a copy of my PiBakery script. It named albumplays-#.#.#.xml. Request a copy here.


Manual install (click here to open)

You will need:

  • a Raspberry Pi 3 model B and power supply, as described here
  • a micro SD card: see it here, where it is the little card on the right … to simplify this tutorial I have used a card already pre-loaded with the Raspberry Pi Operating System (to find a local supplier, Google the following: “raspberry pi 8gb pre-loaded noobs sd card”)

Unless you are going to connect the RPi to your home network via an Ethernet cable (rather than use WiFi) you will also need to temporarily borrow the following items from somewhere; these items are only required for the first step of the configuration process:


Prior to install

You should download, onto your PC, a couple of utilities to enable connection to a Linux computer:

  • putty; a free telnet client to give you a DOS-like access into Linux – get it from here … all that you need is the putty.exe file … there is nothing to install , just save it somewhere, the AlbumPlays folder, which was installed onto your desktop, is as good a place as any.
  • VNC Viewer; a free remote control software package which will allow you access to the Raspberry Pi’s GUI Windows-like desktop: get it from here … get the appropriate “Installer for Windows” version for your PC. (EXE x86 if your windows is a 32 bit version, or EXE x64 if it is 64 bit.

Next step: Assisted installation
or this: Manual installation
Site map: Index to my Raspberry Pi installation & support pages