Mode | Which household members need to be enrolled into AlbumPlays? |
LFM | The owner of the account from where fresh scrobbles are imported |
. | And the person wanting AlbumPlays to publish playlists into their Google Play library |
SPY | Each Sonos listener who wants to maintain their own separate account |
. | And the owner of the account from where fresh non-Sonos scrobbles are imported |
. | Also the person wanting AlbumPlays to publish playlists into their Google Play library |
What are the modes?
- LFM mode is where AlbumPlays imports all of your track plays from
- SPY mode is for Sonos owners only, and is where AlbumPlays imports your non-Sonos plays from, but gets your Sonos plays directly from the Sonos zones themselves
- more details here
Listener Index:
- Adding and enrolling new Listeners
- Modifying Listeners; Google Play Music, LFM account, and scrobble-related settings
- Mostly listens to? – (whole albums or mixed-tracks)
- Scrobbling
- Publishing playlists to a Listener’s Google Play library
Adding and enrolling new Listeners
# Adding Listeners for LFM mode, or for the “Play count processing” component of Spy mode:
The install wizard (described here), will have created and enrolled an initial Listener into your database.
The simplest way to enrol a new Listener is to use the Edit|Listeners menu option, then press the New button as shown below.

Then supply an ID for the new Listener. A Listener ID can be anything (first name, initials, LFM account name, etc). It must not have any embedded blanks.
This action will enrol the Listener into the database, and create a shell for new Listener, which you need to flesh out as described in the modifying Listeners section
There is an alternative option, for people using SPY mode, which may help ensure that identical Listener IDs are used across both modules.
An alternate option to configure the Listeners into the Observe & Detect configuration file first, and then copy the updated _lfm_id_list option line into the [general section] of the configuration file for the Play Count module. When you next start the Playcounts component it will detect any new IDs in the list, and offer to auto-enrol them. This method will ensure that you have used identical Listener IDs in each module.
As an illustration I have added Listeners “HMP” and “others” to the _lfm_id_list configuration line.
[general section]
_database = C:/Users/XXXXXX
_user = BJM
_nas_path = \\MyNAS\MyShare\
_lfm_id_list=BJM AKM HMP others
As with the first option, the new Listeners will need to be fleshed out as described in the modifying Listeners section.
# Adding Listeners to Spy mode’s “Observe & Detect” component:
The install wizard (described here) will have configured your initial listener.
You can add more via the “Configuration (MySpy.ini shortcut). To do so, add the new Listener ID(s) to the _lfm_id_list option as described here. Also review the other listener related options which are discussed there.
Then stop and restart the “Observe & Detect” component, as described here
Modifying Listeners
Use the Edit|Listeners menu option.
This will take you to the list of enrolled Listeners, where the following data is shown:

Name | Explanation | How to modify |
ID | The AlbumPlays internal ID for the Listener | Cannot be modified |
Default | The “Default” listener is the one whose LFM account supplies fresh scrobbles to the Get action | Set by ini file option |
Google account | Listener’s Google Play Music account (optional) | Press the “?” button for the row, and see here |
LFM account | account for the Listener; where we scrobble to, or look for non-Sonos scrobbles | Press the “?” button for the row |
Latest SPY in | The datetime of the latest Spy track play observation we have imported for the Listener | Automatically maintained by the application |
Latest “other” in | The datetime of the latest non-Sonos track scrobble imported from LFM for the Listener | Automatically maintained by the application |
Last scrobble up | The datetime of the latest track play uploaded to MediaMonkey for the Listener | Automatically maintained by the application |
Auth | Whether AlbumPlays has been authorised to scrobble to the nominated account | See following section |
Scrobbles? | Whether AlbumPlays scrobbles to for this Listener (see notes below) | Press the “?” button for the row |
Group? | Whether this Listener belongs to the AlbumPlays scrobble group (see notes below) | Press the “?” button for the row |
Suppress? | Whether all plays by this listener are entirely suppressed, overrides all other settings | Can be changed here, then press F3 to apply |
To MM? | Whether this Listener’s plays are uploaded to MediaMonkey | Can be changed here, then press F3 to apply |
Details | Button to access the update screen for the Listener’s scrobble settings | Press the button to access |
You can modify the last two columns (“To MM” and global Suppression) directly in the above list, and then press F3 to apply.
For other updates press the Listener’s “?” button to access the main Listener Update facility.

Here is where you can change the Listener’s account name. If you make a change, then screen validates your entry to ensure that you have supplied the name of an active account. You don’t need to supply the account password.
You may also configure the other Listener-related scrobble items here:
- global SUPPRESSION of the Listener – all plays ignored, no scrobbles to LFM, no upload to MediaMonkey – overrides all other settings for the Listener
- whether to upload the Listener’s plays to MediaMonkey
- whether AlbumPlays should scrobble to the Listener’s account – see further scrobbling settings in a following section
- whether the Listener typically plays whole albums or mixed track playlists – see the next section
Mostly listens to: whole albums or mixed tracks?

Use this control to indicate what you usually listen to.
- whole albums
- or mixed-track playlists?
It has the following impacts:
Where? | Impact of this setting |
Streaming Wizard | level of detail; whether the Wizard shows each unmatched track, or just each unmatched album |
whether Google adoption is just for the track, or for the whole album | |
Review and approve scrobble importation | level of detail; whether the scrobble suppression facility is offered for each track which was played, or just for each album |
Edit|StreamedRules menu | affects the initial sort sequence |
By default AlbumPlays does not scrobble. It imports scrobbles, but by default does not generate scrobbles.
Scrobbling is an option, but the option needs to be turned on.
See here for an overview of the benefits of my scrobbler.
See here for a Quick Start guide showing how to configure AlbumPlays for scrobbling. You should read the Quick Start guide now.
Scrobbling set-up considerations
You will need to enrol each person wanting to scrobble Sonos plays to their own account
- a Listener can be either an individual, or a group of people who want their plays grouped together
- if you only need total household play counts, all grouped together, you only need to have a single Listener for the whole household
- if you want to accumulate play count data from some household members individually, or for some members but not for others, you should:
- enrol a separate Listener for each person, or group, for whom you want separated play count data
- and enrol one extra Listener, which will be assigned plays made by any untracked household members or guests
- you can automate the assignment of plays to the appropriate Listener, if you assign Sonos zones to Listeners
- A Listener ID can be anything (first name, initials, LFM account name, etc). It must not have any embedded blanks, and it must be referred to identically (including upper or lower case characters) in the both the “Observe & Detect” and the “Play Count Processing” modules.
See here for a discussion of the limitations of the multi-listener facilities in this application.
Spy mode is implemented as two separate components. Your new Listener needs to be added into both halves.
You need to make sure that your new Listener(s) are identified by exactly the same Listener ID, in both halves of the application, including identical usage of upper or lower case characters.
Listener scrobble modes
In order to turn on scrobbling, you need to decide which scrobble mode to use:
- Group scrobbling
- This is the recommended option
- In this scrobbling mode the application’s Approve action will scrobble every Listener, who has completed the authorisation step covered in the next section, and who has the “Group” column checked (see the “Modifying Listeners section above)
- User scrobbling
- This scrobbling mode is now mostly outmoded by the “group scrobbling” option described above.
- In this scrobbling mode scrobbling is still achieved by the Approve action, but it only scrobbles the single Listener specified in the configuration file’s _user option
- In this scrobbling mode, the Approve action updates MediaMonkey with unsuppressed plays for all Listeners who have been configured for MediaMonkey upload, but the scrobbles for any other scrobble_authorised Listeners are held in suspense until the application is run with a configuration file which names the suspended Listener in the _user option
- All Listeners who wish to have scrobbles accumulated, whether they are to be held in suspense or not, need to have their “Scrobbles?” column checked (see the “Modifying Listeners” section above), and they need to have completed the authorisation step covered in the next section.
Read the Scrobbling Quick Start Guide for an overview of steps required to configure AlbumPlays for scrobbling.
Assigning Sonos zones to a Listener
See here for an overview of the multi-user capabilities of AlbumPlays
You may want to assign a Sonos zone, or zones, to a Listener if:
- you have configured AlbumPlays to track separate play histories for various independent household members
- or you have multiple household members using the Sonos, but you only want to track your own plays
Zones assignments are done via the configuration file of the Observe & Detect component.
- an overview of how zone assignment works
- documentation of the relevant configuration options
Authorise to scrobble to a Listener’s LFM account
This application does not need your password, but it does need you to advise that you agree to allow this application to scrobble to your account.
You do this by accessing the Listeners’ maintenance list as described in the “Modifying Listeners” section above (menu item Edit|Listeners).
Press the “?” button for the Listener whose account that you want to scrobble to.
Select the “Authorise” tab, as shown below.
Step 1. Ask LFM for an authorisation request token
- press the OK button
- this will open a browser session where you can log onto with your password asks you to confirm that you are granting permission for this application to scrobble. recieves your request, and prepares an authorisation code for AlbumPlays.
It is important to note that AlbumPlays is still not authorised to scrobble to your account at this point. You need to complete the following step which will cause AlbumPlays to obtain and store the authorisation code.
Step 2. You must perform this second step within an hour
- return to the window containing this application
- change the “Stage” drop down control to “2: Get & store key”
- and press the OK button
- the application will contact to retrieve the authorisation token that you have issued
The application will now be authorised to scrobble to your account on an ongoing basis.
Revoke authorisation to scrobble to a Listener’s LFM account
Open a browser session, and log into Select your profile’s Settings menu item.
Select the “Applications” tab.
Press the “Remove” button to revoke permission for this application to update your account.
Publishing playlists to a Listener’s Google Play Music library
AlbumPlays offers some integration with a Google Play Music library.
If you wish to use these facilities you will need to authorise AlbumPlays to your Google Play Music library:
- enrol a AlbumPlays Listener, into the AlbumPlays database, for each Google library that you wish to publish playlists to
- provide credentials to their Google account
Authorise AlbumPlays to update the Listener’s Google Play Music library
You do this by accessing the Listeners’ maintenance list as described in the “Modifying Listeners” section above (menu item Edit|Listeners).
Press the “?” button for the Listener who owns the Google Play library.
Select the “Google Play” tab, as shown below, and the follow the instructions.
Enter the Google Account name and password. …
Press the Test credentials button. AlbumPlays will validate your credentials against the Google account.
Then press OK. … AlbumPlays will ask for an encryption phrase so that it can store your credentials safely into the AlbumPlays database. The encryption phrase is never stored. You need to re-supply it each time you publish a playlist to your Google Play Music library. .. The intention is that the phrase be something easier to type and remember, than your proper Google password, as you will need to enter it often. … nb: “easier to type and remember” of course means that it will is less secure. But the phrase is never sent across the Internet. It is just used encrypt and decrypt, locally, the stored copy of your password, as precaution should your computer be stolen or accessed by intruders.
Google two-factor authentication
If you are using Google’s two-factor authentication, you do not provide AlbumPlays with your main Google password. You need to ask Google to generate an application password for AlbumPlays.
Use the above link to generate an application password. Enter “AlbumPlays” as the custom application name, and specify that the application password is for use on your desktop computer, then press Generate.
Google will generate a password for use by AlbumPlays. The password is large random string of characters. It is issued by Google once-only, and is just intended just for the one application (AlbumPlays). There is no Google password display facility to view the password again later. The intention is that you copy and paste it immediately into your application, and then forget it. It cannot be used to log into your Google account via a browser. These limitations are an intentional part of the security design.
Copy and paste the password into AlbumPlays as described above, where it will be encrypted, and stored for use whenever you publish or refresh playlists to your Google Play Music library.
The Google application password facility allows you to monitor use of the password, and to revoke it if necessary,
next step: LFM mode:…Missed tracks playlist
next step: SPY mode:…Controlling the Observe & Detect component
back to top: LFM mode:…LFM mode index
back to top: SPY mode:…Spy mode index